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House of Commons debate

Second reading of the Health and Care Bill

Briefing published July 2021


This briefing has been prepared by JDRF in advance of the second reading of the Health and Care Bill in Parliament. The briefing aimed to provide suggestions for areas of improvement to the Bill to better support people with type 1 diabetes and their care, ensuring all can access the treatments they could benefit from.

Key asks for the Bill include:

  1. Ensure and maximise person-centred care, including through patient representation on governing boards and ensuring accountability to local people, building towards tailored and personalised care.
  2. Address health inequalities, ensuring that all clinics offer equal treatment options for patients with a focus on hardly reached communities.
  3. Embrace data to support health outcomes and research, including the creation of a single registry for type 1 diabetes, modelled on SCI Diabetes in Scotland.
  4. Invest in innovative technology-based treatments for type 1 diabetes, supporting the NHS to offer these to patients where available.

Full briefing

Read the full report – JDRF briefing: Health and Care Bill second reading (pdf doc)

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