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JDRF is undergoing a transformation.
We are becoming Breakthrough T1D in October.

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Shared experience

Justin on embracing his differences as a gay man with type 1 diabetes

Meet Justin, a YouTube creator from New York City. Here he shares details about how growing up gay helped him embrace his diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and live his life to the fullest.

A selfie of Justin wearing a glucose sensor with a Pride flag sticker and carrying a small Pride flag.

Diagnosis journey

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in May of 2021. I was misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes earlier that year. Luckily, after documenting my experience on Tik Tok, the diabetes community came to the rescue with comments and helped me get the correct diagnosis.

Getting diagnosed as an adult

I think getting diagnosed with diabetes later in life has its advantages; I’m old enough to research and seek out the best ways to treat my diabetes. That said, I still experience constant obstacles which help me grow more and more as I live with this disease.

Growing up different

I’ve learned to use my diabetes as a strength instead of allowing it to be a weakness and this thinking comes from my struggles growing up gay. Of course, being gay is not a weakness, but it was ‘difference’. Once I learned to embrace my differences, and see them as uniqueness and strength, that’s when I fully allowed myself to live my authentic life.

To learn more about tech in a fun and entertaining way, check out Justin’s videos on Tik Tok @diabetech and over on his YouTube channel Justin_tech.

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Shared experience

When I first started using a blood glucose sensor, it was honestly life-changing

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